Bird, Lorax, and Monster!

15 Mar

This week I made some trial cake pops, I have a wedding order for blue bird cake pops and wanted to see how they would turn out.  The blue bird cake pops turned out pretty well and the bride to be is super happy!  I can’t wait to make them and see all the blue birds together.

Blue Chick Cakje Pop

I had leftover dough and wanted to make cake pops I’ve never made before and was inspired by Bakerella‘s Lorax she made from Dr. Suess.  I don’t know how Bakerella does it, but her work is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!  She must be super patient to make all these unique beautiful cake pops!  I followed her method and dipped all the remaning balls in orange chocolate and then made the mustache and furry eyebrows.  I think it turned out pretty cute!  but I found the eyes to be super hard to make as I had to cut each sprinkle.  I ended up making a few and then didn’t want to make any more as it was getting very late (I’m a night owl), so I ended making monsters (they were easier!) out of the remaining cake pops. My monster looks so much like Mike from Monsters Inc! that may be my next project 😉

Dr. Suess' Lorax Cake Pop

Monster Cake Pop


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