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It’s time to say goodbye

30 May

Hi everyone!

I will no longer be part of Something Sweet For You and Kristie will be taking over.

Throughout the years, Kristie and I had fun doing custom orders for people and selling our goodies at the baker’s market. Even though we only sleep for a few hours the night before a market, we are always so happy with our finished products. Sometimes I still think back to those days when we would talk about baking together and realize how far we’ve come since then.

About 1 year ago, I gave birth to a sweet baby girl. Who knew taking care of a baby would be so much work? My husband and I don’t even remember what it feels like to have a full night of uninterrupted sleep. I’m serious. Everything you do (or try to) ends up taking three times as long (or more) to complete. Just when you think you have some free time to do something for yourself, baby wakes up, cries, pees/poops, is hungry, or just want your attention. Before I was pregnant, I would talk to a close friend of mine (she has 2 kids now) and she would tell me random things about her life as a mom. I never thought much about it until I became a mom myself. My first thought was “Omg…everything she said is sooo true!! There is no time for anything.” If you think your life is so busy now, just wait until you have a baby (or two). What your life is like now will feel like a breeze.

I haven’t stopped baking and don’t intend to, so don’t worry. It just takes me a bit longer to plan things out and to deal with a baby who ONLY wants mommy most of the time.

Before I end this post, I’d like to thank all my friends and family who supported me during the time I was with SSFY. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! You guys are the best! ❤


♥ Something Blue ♥

16 Apr

In my last post, I made a blue bird cake pop for a trial run for a wedding and am so happy with the final results!  The wedding was at The Four Season for a beautiful bride named Angie and a handsome groom named Vic.  Their wedding reception was beautiful and inspired by Tiffany blue.   They had ordered blue bird cake pops (matched perfectly!), but I wanted to do something special for them so I made a bride & groom blue bird cake pop and it turned out super cute!

Tiffany Blue Inspired Wedding

Bride & Groom Bird Cake Pop

Take a look at our set up, isn’t the cake pop stand beautiful?  I absolutely love it!  and you can change the ribbon to any color you want.  The cake stand holds approx 145 cake pops.  I’m so lucky to have found this and now when you order you can rent this for any event!

Blue Bird cake Pops

Bird, Lorax, and Monster!

15 Mar

This week I made some trial cake pops, I have a wedding order for blue bird cake pops and wanted to see how they would turn out.  The blue bird cake pops turned out pretty well and the bride to be is super happy!  I can’t wait to make them and see all the blue birds together.

Blue Chick Cakje Pop

I had leftover dough and wanted to make cake pops I’ve never made before and was inspired by Bakerella‘s Lorax she made from Dr. Suess.  I don’t know how Bakerella does it, but her work is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!  She must be super patient to make all these unique beautiful cake pops!  I followed her method and dipped all the remaning balls in orange chocolate and then made the mustache and furry eyebrows.  I think it turned out pretty cute!  but I found the eyes to be super hard to make as I had to cut each sprinkle.  I ended up making a few and then didn’t want to make any more as it was getting very late (I’m a night owl), so I ended making monsters (they were easier!) out of the remaining cake pops. My monster looks so much like Mike from Monsters Inc! that may be my next project 😉

Dr. Suess' Lorax Cake Pop

Monster Cake Pop


What are YOU doing this Saturday July 23rd?

19 Jul

We are SO excited to be at the Tri-Cities Baker’s Market again this Saturday July 23, 2011 from 10am-2pm.  This will be the second to last market for the summer till the fall, so don’t miss out!

This week they will be running a family baking demo which will allow for 1-2 kids to participate!  This would be a great chance for your kids to get involved and learn about baking.

If that doesn’t make you want to come by, the market will be having another draw for Basket of Baking!  The Basket of Baking will consist of goodies from the bakers at the market!

There are going to be some amazing bakers with a variety of goodies, so please try to stop on by!!!  If you do go, please come by our table and say hi!  We’ll be there with our delicious goodies and this is a great opportunity to purchase in small quantities!

See you there 😉

Bake for the Quake

7 Apr

We will be participating in the Bake for the Quake on April 20th from 6pm-8:30pm at the Roundhouse.  100% of our sale will go towards the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief.  We would love for you to come and support us while supporting a great cause!  If you would like to pre-order let me know, I’ll put aside some goodies for you!  Unfortunately, we are unable to make Cupcakes, so we’ll be selling Cake Pops and Pecan Bites.

Also, please spread the word.  You can spread the word by downloading the flyer ( )  and posting them up (ask for permission first!) or follow them on Twitter!/BakefortheQuake and Facebook

We hope to see you there!!